Minamio is a man who has very thin eyes, almost like a cat's. He faced off against Domon in Ura Butou Satsujin, but eventually lost. Afterwards, he often hangs out with the others in their rooms, and at one point compliments Yanagi on her cooking.
However, in the final arc of the manga, he is killed off-screen by Kadotsu. After Saicho learns about his death from his killer, he becomes extremely upset, but continued to fight. He is last seen when Kurei turns him into a flame to fight Kadotsu, which upsets Saicho even more.
Nan (Soft): An orb madōgu which makes the user's body like rubber to absorb the impact of fists or other weapons, and allows the limbs to stretch. In the manga, this ability is natural for Minamio.